Gene Colan’s children have asked me to reach out to the comics community on behalf of their father.
Gene was injured last week and is now being cared for by his son. In addition, it appears that some of Gene’s artwork has disappeared, including pages from Nathanial Dusk and a Star Wars-related piece. The police are involved in the matter.
If Gene Colan art is currently circulating in the marketplace, it is possible that these pieces were stolen. Please email me if you see artwork that is the least bit questionable.
I spoke with Gene early this evening and he is in good spirits, as always. Unfortunately, he is also in pain and unable to use his right arm and hand at this time due to a broken shoulder. Well-wishers should feel free to use the comments section of this blog; I will make certain that Gene sees your notes.
I will continue to update the community with regards to Gene's progress.
Gene was injured last week and is now being cared for by his son. In addition, it appears that some of Gene’s artwork has disappeared, including pages from Nathanial Dusk and a Star Wars-related piece. The police are involved in the matter.
If Gene Colan art is currently circulating in the marketplace, it is possible that these pieces were stolen. Please email me if you see artwork that is the least bit questionable.
I spoke with Gene early this evening and he is in good spirits, as always. Unfortunately, he is also in pain and unable to use his right arm and hand at this time due to a broken shoulder. Well-wishers should feel free to use the comments section of this blog; I will make certain that Gene sees your notes.
I will continue to update the community with regards to Gene's progress.
I interviewed Gene on Dread Media and it was a moment I will always remember. The man is indestructable.
Get better Mr. Colan.
I hope we can find these pieces. Any exact specs on the missing art in case I run across it on eBay or oher venues?
Best wishes to Gene for a speedy recovery.
Gene- All the best in a quick recovery. You will be back drawing in no time!
I hope Gene recovers quickly and the art is found. Gene is awesome.
All the best Gene and I hope your missing artwork turns up. You have always been an inspiration to me sir.
Always enjoyed your work and hope to see more in the future. Get well soon.
Prayers and healing, supportive thoughts for Mr. Colan.
So sorry to hear this. Gene's a wonderful man and a brilliant talent. I hope for a full and speedy recovery.
Get well soon, Gene. All the best, Alex Johnson
Best wishes from Mexico, Mr. Colan!
Thanks for putting this up Cliff. I've been out of the loop due to too much work. I'll contact him and Adrienne soon. God protect them.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Gene Colan, from France.
Seems like there's a worrying trend about acquiring original art by criminal methods. This is getting insane.I hope it gets squashed soon.
We all love you, Gene! Speedy recovery and all the best!
Gene is a tough dude, and I know he will bounce back from this. I'm equally confident anyone who would try to take advantage of a nice guy like Gene will get their just desserts in the end.
Best wishes to Mr. Colan and his family.
Cliff: Do they know if his injury and the missing artwork are somehow connected?
Hope each day's morning sun brings you more and more of the healing warmth to cement a full and quick recovery! Don't let them get you down Gene! You ROCK and always have!
Wishing you the very best, Mr. Colan.
Gene Colan was one of my professors in SVA once. He is the most warmest, sweetest soul you'd ever want to meet. Warm wishes to Gene and his family and wishing him a speedy recovery and the best from here on in.
Any chance of posting pictures of the pieces so we can be on the lookout for them?
Allan Rosenberg
Gene, hang in there! You gotta get better enough to accept that Eisner Award for best single issue in July!!!
He was mugged?? Jesus, what a cowardly bastard. When I was on the NYPD we had 'special' treatment for those who preyed on the elderly (and you sure wouldn't have seen it on "COPS"). I hope my brothers carry on the tradition if and when they catch this guy. Get well, Gene. You're one of the reasons I chose comics as my profession.
Please give Gene my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Truly despicable. What the heck is wrong with some people? My best wishes go to you, Gene, for a full recovery.
Get well soon, Gene. You rock!
I'm very sorry to hear this. Here's hoping hisrecovery is speedy and uncomplicated. I can honestly say it was Gene Colan's work was one of the siren's calls that attracted me to comics at a young age and continues to be an inspiration to me today.
Good wishes to gene Colan. I hope he recovers quickly and if this is a police matter, that those responsible are apprehended. KAB
Dear Gene,
Hope you have a speedy recovery. I hope you artwork turns up soon. And I hope the theives are properly punished. Throw the book at them, so to speak. Hopefully a Gene Colan Omnibus!
Take care, sir!
Dave Chapple
Best wishes for your recovery, Mr Colan.
That's awful :o( Please pass on my very best to Gene, and I hope he feels better soon.
Best wishes from Germany! I hope Mr. Colan gets well again soon. This remarkable man is one of a kind. Truly a living legend.
Dear Gene-- Our thoughts and best wishes are with you, as always. I hope whoever injured you and stole your artwork is caught. He should be forced to run a gauntlet of your fans and admirers.
I read of your bad shoulder injury, and I am wishing you a speedy recovery! It sounds really painful.
You have the constitution of an Iron Man, and good genes. : - )
You're the best, and we all love ya like a brother or dad!
Also, I do hope that artwork of yours that was stolen from your house (!) while you were injured and away, is returned. That's truly despicable. Who would do such a thing!
I've been a member of your yahoo group for years, in two stints, and I've never been happier!
Get well, big guy! Iron Man, Captain America, Daredevil,Doctor Strange, Dracula, and even Howard The Duck need your dire help to take on the nefarious and evil Dr. Doom, Stiltman, Red Skull, the Crimson Dynamo and The Titanium Man!
They can't do it without your help!
All the best,
Phil Latter
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hearing this makes me so angry @ the culprit/dirtbag who did this. My best get well wishes to Gene & my best get the scumbag who did this to the NYPD.
Mr. Colan was one of several artists in my youth (we're talking back in the '60s now folks) who made me want to be a comic book artist- it's been 26 years now since i got the chance to do just that- and after all these years of being a pro i still get a childlike glee at meeting some of my heroes-and even becoming friends with some.
The day i met Mr. Colan was a highlight of my career-i even showed him a TOMB OF DRACULA piece i did in his style and he didn't slap me silly and tell me to get a real job-lol
The Drac sketch i got from him that day is one of my favorites-and the memory of that short time with him and his lovely lady (and the pic of me with Gene) will be with me forever.
Get better,Gene-the world would be a sadder place without gents like you around...;o)
Gene Colan is the reason a lot of us got into the business, and his artwork remains timeless.
Godspeed on your recovery, Gene. We love you.
It's hard to believe that someone could do this to a beloved pro like Mr. Colan. I feel fortunate that I got a chance to see him at the Heroes Convention in Charlotte, NC, a few years ago.
I glad that I didn't witness this event, so that the twisted poltroons that perpetrated it didn't end up in the hospital for the next several months in traction.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Gene! You're the man.
Sounds like Gene's friends are not watching out for him very well.
WTF is wrong with you guys?
Too bad, Gene. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Cliff- I get those jibberish posts as well, usually asian porno sites, and just hit delete. I turned on comment moderation for the samew reason.
I'm sorry it was unclear; I never said Gene was mugged. Please read the original post and follow ups.
There was a link here to another article that reported that, Cliff. Thanks for clearing it up.
What terrible, terrible news.
Gene, get better and soon. You are indestructible.
As for the sons of bitches who stole his art, the NYPD throwing their asses in jail's too good for them. They can go to hell.
So sad to hear about this. I'm a huge fan. Love Tomb of Dracula. Nobody could've drawn it better. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Dear Gene-
Our good thoughts & very best wishes are with you. So sorry that all this hit you at the same time but you have so much love a support coming at you that I just know you will heal and that your artwork will be recovered... keep up good thoughts & know that people all over that you don't even know exist... care about you.
Sending white light,
Mary Riley
hope whoever injured you and stole your artwork is caught. He should be forced to run a gauntlet of your fans and admirers.
Dear Gene,
I sincerely hope that you're feeling better. I'm so sorry that something like this happened to you and can only hope that you feel better very, very soon.
Prayers and kind thoughts to you and Adrienne,
Matt Strawbridge
Jonesboro, Ar
I was dismayed and very concerned when I read of your plight, but subsequently happy to hear of your road to recovery. Since discovering your eloquent work at Marvel way back in the 60's I've always been a big big fan, and flattered to get an email response from you a few years back regarding a fanboy comment to your website.
Gene you are one in a million - God bless you and speedy recovery.
And many thanks to Cliff and all for rallying around to raise support for such a grand master of the industry.
Heartfelt regards to a man that has brought pleasure, entertainment and inspiration to many.
Andy Scordellis.
Gene, you are irreplaceable. Love your artwork and you continue to amaze me. Hope you get better and GOD speed your recovery! Much love-Richard Vernon
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