Comic artist Dave Simons was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Throughout his ordeal, Dave has continued working and remained cheerful--wanting neither sympathy nor special treatment--but the chemo has taken its toll, both physically and financially. The cancer also spread to other parts of his body and the diagnosis is grim, requiring a heavier regimen of radiation and chemotherapy. While the bulk of Dave’s medical costs are covered by the Veteran's Administration, day-to-day costs (utilities, rent, groceries) are a struggle and won’t become easier as his condition worsens.
Dave never asked for help. But a few of us are offering it anyway. Want to help us help Dave Simons?
1) Donate cash directly to Dave via PayPal at davidlsimons@earthlink.net -- If you want to remain anonymous, PayPal Daniel Best at Jet_blaq@bigpond.com or Dave's art agent Bob Shaw at midget3162002@yahoo.com and they will get the cash to Dave, every cent of it.
2) Donate art or signed books (with values of at least $10) for a series of on-going auctions designed to benefit Dave. Items should be sent to Dave’s art rep, Bob Shaw is establishing an eBay account solely to assist Dave (Help_Dave_Simons). Auctions will proceed as items come in; all money will go directly to Dave. Items should be sent to: Bob Shaw, PO Box 650, Derry, NH, 03038 - USA.
3) Contact Dave and commission a drawing. This keeps Dave active and you'll get a nice piece of art.
4) Spread this message on blogs and message boards.
For more information, contact Daniel Best at snoopy967@gmail.com or Bob Shaw at midget3162002@yahoo.com.
If you’re on Facebook, join the Dave Simons Appreciation Society and send your thoughts to Dave directly. Let’s all help Dave, a great fellow and artist who gives much and asks for little.
Dave never asked for help. But a few of us are offering it anyway. Want to help us help Dave Simons?
1) Donate cash directly to Dave via PayPal at davidlsimons@earthlink.net -- If you want to remain anonymous, PayPal Daniel Best at Jet_blaq@bigpond.com or Dave's art agent Bob Shaw at midget3162002@yahoo.com and they will get the cash to Dave, every cent of it.
2) Donate art or signed books (with values of at least $10) for a series of on-going auctions designed to benefit Dave. Items should be sent to Dave’s art rep, Bob Shaw is establishing an eBay account solely to assist Dave (Help_Dave_Simons). Auctions will proceed as items come in; all money will go directly to Dave. Items should be sent to: Bob Shaw, PO Box 650, Derry, NH, 03038 - USA.
3) Contact Dave and commission a drawing. This keeps Dave active and you'll get a nice piece of art.
4) Spread this message on blogs and message boards.
For more information, contact Daniel Best at snoopy967@gmail.com or Bob Shaw at midget3162002@yahoo.com.
If you’re on Facebook, join the Dave Simons Appreciation Society and send your thoughts to Dave directly. Let’s all help Dave, a great fellow and artist who gives much and asks for little.