Some months ago,
Aardwolf Publishing's Jim Reeber warned me that
blog addiction was dysfunctioning my already erratic fiction jones and scared the bejezus out of me. I watched as little bejezus dripped out of my pant leg, dashed across the floor and dove beneath the couch where it sat biting its nails next to an old, ratty slipper. Warned thus, I exercised the better part of valor and beat a hasty retreat back to the ribboned typer only to discover precious little fiction was forthcoming anyway. Alas. But the good news is that IDW Publishing will soon release my SF novella
Billboards with some lovely illustrations by
Dave Gutierrez (pictured pre-color) and a new introduction by science fiction Grand Master
Robert Silverberg. And rumor has it that
Gerry Conway (the nifty author and creator of the Punisher, not
the drummer for Cat Stevens and Jethro Tull) ordered a copy of
Meth, Colan and Other Theologians, presumably for the illustrations by Gene Colan.
And you can order one, too.